Thursday, December 7, 2023


CosMcs screenshot taken from a TikTok (I was desperate!)

 McDonalds have just launched a new chain called CosMcs, named after a character from their kids' commercials from decades ago. It's supposed to be a coffee chain, competing with Starbucks and Panera. McCafé (the chain as opposed to the brand itself) is already a separate subsidiary outside the US, so the Chicago-based behemoth had to create another division with its own identity. The suburb Bolingbrook will have the flagship and ten will open in Texas. It won't be as big as the main chain, but maybe it could be franchised and work its way east. Closed McDs and competitors around the country can be putty in their hands. It's early days, so I couldn't even AI myself a CosMcs that I could use since I can't afford a flight to O'Hare or Midway right now. Some spots I put down would likely just be demolished and have the new store built from scratch, while others could be done up. A few things from the parent restaurants ménu like the quintessential Egg McMuffin will carry over to the new place while launching items exclusive to there.

Liverpool - Elwood Davis & Buckley Rds and 7th North St; former Burger King

Liverpool (Bayberry) - CR 57; former Arbys

Auburn - NY 5; former Tim Hortons

North Syracuse - US 11 and South Bay Rd, Northern Lights; former Hofmann Hot Haus/Salt City Dogs (would have to be demolished)

Oneida - NY 5; former KFC?

Cicero (1) - Circle Dr; former Jimmy Johns

Cicero (2) - NY 31 & Thompson Rd; former Eckerd/Rite Aid (since getting CVS in won't work)

Baldwinsville - Downer St; former Rite Aid

deWitt - NY 5; former CoCos/Korean restaurant (must be turned into building site)

Cortland - NY 281; former McDonalds proper

Monday, December 4, 2023

Daves Hot Chicken

Daves Hot Chicken LA Koreatown
Daves Hot Chicken in LA County, Koreatown

 After a tip from a relative (who confused todays topic with a previous one), I decided to do Daves Hot Chicken, a west coast chain that specialise in Davidson County style chicken. I was looking for another subject to even out the number of posts published to date, and it turns out to be another chicken place. I don't eat as much of it as I used to anymore, even at home. At first they were opening in Warren County, then closer to me in Cicero, then back down the Thruway to Albany, yet there's not another until Montgomery County of all areas. One of the fastest growing chains today, Daves could roost in your neighborhood next. I've never had Nashville chicken, yet these southern ones sound spicy (even KFC).

New Hartford - Sangertown Square; NY 5 & 5A

Poughkeepsie - Poughkeepsie Galleria; US 9

Kingston - Hudson Valley Mall; US 9W

Auburn - Fingerlakes Mall; NY 5 & US 20

Watertown - former Titled Kilt; NY 3

Cortland - former kmart; NY 281

Ithaca - former Hobby Lobby; NY 13, 34 & 96

Binghamton - former Giant/Weis/Grand Union; US 11

Henrietta - former Savers

Williamsville - former Best Buy or restaurant TBD; NY 78